The silent gaps in life have been the most aggravating times in my life, I think.
The loneliest.
The most angriest.
The silent gaps, however, can also be just what I've needed. Filled with space. Beauty. Confidence.
The difference is not the gaps themselves: but what I choose to do in the gaps.
Will I worship? Or will I let bitterness take root?
Will I pray? Or will I go to everyone but God?
Will I spend my time wisely? Or will I waste it?
Will I stay in my shell? Or will I give to others?
I have done each of these. I have let bitterness take such root and hold in my life to the point that I have walked in rebellion against God. And I have also worshiped while waiting. And I am in that place again. 2013 was such an incredible year of walking closer to Christ and His people and trying to cling to Him through all the ups and downs. And as I closed out 2013 and have begun walking 2014... the choices and options for [what seems like] myriads of situations have me in such a place that I must wait. In the silent gaps. He has not promised me a lightning bolt. Or for His [what I am assuming is a BOOMING] audible voice. He has, promised, however, that He will never leave me nor forsake me (Deuteronomy 36:1) and that His work on me is not finished until the day I see Him face to face (Philippians 1:6).
He also tells us to pray. In every circumstance: pray. No matter what the situation: pray. I recently read a quote from Beth Moore in which she reminds us that "God would not ask us to pray about EVERYTHING (Philippians 4:6) if prayer could not change EVERYTHING."
In this past year I have also come across a song by John Waller entitled, "While I'm Waiting". And every single time this song pops up on my playlist (about once every few months) it was just the moment in which I needed this reminder. PRAY.
"I will move ahead, bold and confident
Taking every step in obedience
While I'm waiting
I will serve You
While I'm waiting
I will worship
While I'm waiting
I will not faint
I'll be running the race
Even while I wait"
So dear friends, if you ever find yourself like me, and waiting in the silent gaps, let us be found worshiping the One who is all-sovereign, and all-loving.