Sunday, February 9, 2014

Genie vs. God

My pastor challenged us with this today:

Write down all that you want from God. The little things, the big things.
Then imagine that God tells you, "I will give you each thing on your list. But, after I give them to you, you will never hear from Me again."
Is your wish list worth it?

I have struggled in the last 6-8 months in wrestling with, "Do I see God as a personal genie?" And I believe it is a common struggle amongst many of us believers... just one that no one wants to actually admit to.

I have also had desires of the heart and have shared these thoughts and desires with many only to be told, "If you have that desire-- it is of God and He will give it to you!" and "God wouldn't give you desires and not fulfill them- He will!"

I am sorry to be the one to tell you this, but that is a borderline (if not, flat out) "health and wealth gospel" lie. Not every desire we have is of God, and nor does He have to fulfill any desire or wish of ours. The Sovereign God of the universe owes us nothing and it is high time that we stop acting like it. Yes, God says He "will" give us the desires of our hearts in numerous scripture passages, but, does He have to? No. Is He still good if He doesn't? Yes.

I am only in my 30's and I am not writing this as an "I-know-it-all" or that I have no daily (or lifelong) struggle. I write this as a reminder to all of us Jesus-loving people that our God does not owe us a thing. He does, however, want a relationship with us. And He does want to be the most important person in our lives.

So in light of this reminder: what is most important to you? Your list, or your Savior?

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