Sunday, September 23, 2012

God is God. (a previous post from '09)

God is God.

But do we truly understand what we're saying as we say that? Our God spoke life & creation into being. Our God does not need defending: He can (and does) do it Himself. His Word is His defense. Creation is His defense. The beginning, middle & end is His defense. So why do we as believers feel the constant need to defend Him? (Why do we believe that He NEEDS us?--but that is a different story.)

Through some recent life changes and circumstances I have come to conclusion that I will not always know the will of God in the ways that I want to know. I have also come to learn that He will allow circumstances to happen that in my eyes, do NOT follow His words of, "All things work together for good". I hear the gasps that you take when reading that, so I will emphasize what you may have missed, " my eyes..."

Who are we as mere creation (though it is a marvelous creation) to demand from an all-knowing God what is to happen? Who are we as mere creation to demand an explanation from an all-knowing, all-powerful God? The book, "The Shack", I believe, puts it perfectly in helping to explain the character of God. The main character, Mac, has been through a horrific tragedy in which his youngest daughter was kidnapped and murdered. Mac (who most definitely symbolizes each of us) finally asks God the question he (us?) has always wanted answered. : "What could possibly JUSTIFY  my daughter's rape & murder?" God's reply? "We are not justifying it Mac, we are REDEEMING it." (Emphasis mine)

We as believers are justified. Our God is a God of Justice--in fact, He IS justice. But sometimes, sometimes we as mere humans- we will not see justice. Sometimes, as believers (or, humans, rather) will not like the "side" to whom justice was granted. But God, our God is a Redeemer God. Intertwined with His justice is His redemption. Intertwined with His justice & redemption is His love. As my friend Bethany once told me so powerfully, "Shauna, He doesn't just know how to BE just: He IS just. He doesn't just know HOW to love: He IS love."

So, Christians, as we stand at times at a crossroads of "why's?", and as we pound on God's chest asking "How could you let that happen?": let us remember that Christ is ever-interceding for us at our Father's feet. (Romans 8:34) So as we pray--let us picture Him praying for us. The relationship we have with our God is not just one way-us to Him: In fact, our whole basis for life is the other way: Him to us.

May we always remember that our God deserves glory and praise no matter how we feel or think.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Christians are Wussies. (A post from 2008.)

You shouldn't be surprised by this statement.

Too often we let (or make) God fight our battles for us. We let Him do all the fighting for us. We don't take up our own cross and fight the crowd ourselves. We always read "stand firm! stand fast!" "resist the devil & he'll flee!"--and we forget we're told (in Eph. 6), "...and after you have done EVERYTHING, to stand". Our sword is double-edged. So we don't just stand: we defend. It means we attack. We pierce. We push through. We fight.

So you are probably asking, "Where in the world is this coming from Shauna?"  Well: last night I was under a spiritual attack. And somehow, I realized that He was purifying me. And somehow out of this attack came this new way to "see" through a different sort of lens.

I don't fight. I don't fight for God. I sit back and say, "oh, well, it happened so God must've wanted it to happen..." This could be very well true: but not necessarily. I know that I have to the gifts of discernment & intercession: but how often do I use those gifts so that I can fight for Him? So that I can fight for His glory? So I can fight for others hearts, minds & souls? Sadly, I don't fight enough.

So this is my challenge: that we rise up and we fight. We fight the pain. Look like fools for Christ & for His glory and we live our lives as defenders of the God of whom we are NOT ashamed (or supposed to not be ashamed of...).

"Whatever happens... conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then... I will know that you stand firm in ONE spirit, CONTENDING as one man for the faith of the gospel without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you. This is a sign to them that they will be destroyed, but that you will be saved--and that by God. For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe on Him, but also to suffer for Him..." -- the Apostle Paul, Phil 1: 27-29

Ps..... if you don't think our Lord is a Lord of War.... read the Old Testament....

Monday, September 17, 2012

Yesterday, I turned 30.

Apparently turning 30 is supposed to be a milestone.

For those of you in your 30's: was it?
For those of you not in your 30's: I don't know what to tell you.

I do know, however, that I rang in my 30's by running a 5k for the first time, napping, drinking coffee, a Girl's Night, watching movies and eating until I almost couldn't eat anymore. That was pretty fabulous.

What I also know is that I am now 30, single, a job hunter & worship leader. Most 30 year olds where I live have been professionals for at least eight years, are married, own houses or condos and have a 10-20 year plan for their lives.

I, on the other hand, have never been that person. I have, what I believe is, anyways: job and/or life ADHD.

Sometimes I view this as a negative thing.. and as I am currently hunting for a second job and feeling like "I'm never going to have my life together and be mature", a friend recently said to me, "Shauna: you know what though? You'll probably find that most people will be and are jealous of you. Think of everything that you can do being not only single: but not tied down with debt, mortgages and climbing cooperate ladders..."

So between that conversation & my turning 30, I've decided to make a list of all that I have accomplished in the last decade:

*Completed Bible School (Which included 8 months in one of the most amazing places on earth: Prince Edward Island, Canada)
*2 Missions Trips to Texas (a couple of days in Mexico).
*Choir Tours throughout New England, the Maritimes & Ontario.
*Toured for 3 months singing & dancing around the US, New Zealand & Fiji.
*Lived in a beach town in Southern California for a year.
*Joined a band for a couple of years.
*Worked with incarcerated teen girls.
*Worked odd jobs such as: Talent Agent, a bridal Store, a camp administrator, a busser & hostess, McDonald's, daycares, a Gym Opener/Administrator, a Kindergarten Aid, etc.
*I've lived by myself. Have had roommates. Lived with families. (Short Note about this: the Christian Life is not meant to be lived alone. That's a fact.)
*I've gone on about 3 dates in my entire life.
*I fell in love with coffee.
*I walked away from God for a time and thankfully: He never stopped pursuing me. I believe, in fact, that He loves me. (I'm still tryin' to figure this one out.)

You know what? I'd say I've had quite a life in those 10 years.... I can't wait to see what He has in store for me for the next 10 years.